Our librarians have put together several activities, for a variety of challenges and levels. Complete an activity and you might unlock a more advanced one, and bragging rights, cool badges and maybe even a prize!

100 Things To Do Before Kindergarten

List of fun things to do with your child before they enter kindergarten.

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15 Pts
Christmas Tree

Take a picture of your or any Christmas tree you see during the holiday season!


¡Toma una fotografía de tu árbol de Navidad o de cualquier árbol de Navidad que veas durante la temporada navideña!

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20 Pts
Favorite Christmas Story

Tell us about your favorite Christmas story. Write at least 3 sentences about your favorite story to complete the mission.


Cuéntanos sobre tu cuento navideña favorita.Escribe al menos 3 oraciones sobre tu historia favorita para completar la misión.

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45 Pts
Holiday Cards for our Seniors

How to complete the mission:

  • Create a Holiday card for the Hutchins Senior Center next to the library.
  • Write a special holiday message to the seniors and sign your name. 
  • Drop off at the library when you're done!


Cómo completar la misión:

  • Cree una tarjeta navideña para el Centro para personas mayores de Hutchins junto a la biblioteca.
  • Escriba un mensaje especial de vacaciones para las personas mayores y firme con su nombre.
  • ¡Déjalo en la biblioteca cuando hayas terminado!

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30 Pts
Library Book Display

Answer the question about the library book displays.


Responda la pregunta sobre las exhibiciones de libros de la biblioteca.

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10 Pts
Santa's Reindeers

Answer the true or false questions about Santa's reindeers.


Responde las preguntas de cierto o falso sobre los renos de Santa.

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Learn About Smokey Bear
Complete at least two of these Smokey Bear activities and earn a badge!

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Campfire Safety
Complete at least two of these Smokey Bear activities and earn a badge!

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Nature Adventure
Complete at least two of these Smokey Bear activities and earn a badge!

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Tree Exploration
Complete at least two of these Smokey Bear activities and earn a badge!

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Career Exploration
Complete at least two of these Smokey Bear activities and earn a badge!

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Wildfire Science
Complete at least two of these Smokey Bear activities and earn a badge!

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Make a Difference
Complete at least two of these Smokey Bear activities and earn a badge!

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